For the last 102 years, generous donors have been at the heart of the Orpheum Theatre. Through private donations from individuals and foundations, the historic theatre at the corner of First and Broadway has withstood the test of time thanks to hundreds of caring people in our community and across the country. Thank you to each and every one of you on behalf of the staff and Board of Directors of the Orpheum Performing Arts Centre, LTD.
With special thanks to both our new and also dedicated benefactors of $500 and above, we celebrate their contributions from 2024. Check back in January 2025 for updated list.
The Orpheum Performing Arts Centre, Ltd. is a  501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Ticket sales alone do not allow us to fully realize our multi-faceted mission and continue operating and programming our historic theatre. We rely on your support not only to assist us in paying for labor, artists fees, maintenance and operating costs, but to engage the community with programs that educate and challenge, as well as to entertain the public with a broad array of performing arts events.
Stay up-to-date with all Orpheum events and announcements.
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