Sleepless in Seattle is a romantic comedy-drama film directed and co-written by Nora Ephron. A recently widowed man’s son calls a radio talk-show in an attempt to find his father a partner. The film stars Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan, alongside a supporting cast featuring Bill Pullman, Ross Malinger, Rob Reiner, Rosie O’Donnell, Gaby Hoffmann, Victor Garber, and Rita Wilson.
Be sure to arrive early! Doors open at 6 p.m. for pre-show activities and cocktails, plus we’re serving up slices of Knolla’s Pizza at concessions.
Price | Location/Details |
$7 | General Admission |
$6 | Students, Seniors & Military |
Price | Location/Details |
$7 $6 | General Admission |
6 p.m.
Rated PG