2018 Anniversary Film Series
Grease is a musical romantic comedy film depicting the life of Rydell High School students Danny (John Travolta) and Sandy (Olivia Newton-John) in the late 1950s. Grease was successful both critically and commercially. Its soundtrack album ended 1978 as the second-best selling album of the year in the United States.
Come dressed as a Pink Lady or a T-Bird, costumes are encouraged!
This event is SOLD OUT! We recommend arriving early so you have plenty of time to pick your seats, visit concessions and grab a slice of Knolla’s Pizza. And if you’re over 21, don’t forget to check out our featured drinks at the bar. Doors open at 6pm.
Price | Location/Details |
$7 | General Admission |
$6 | Students, Seniors & Military |
Price | Location/Details |
$7 $6 | General Admission |
6 p.m.
Rated PG