Easy Rider is a 1969 American independent road drama film written by Peter Fonda, Dennis Hopper, and Terry Southern, produced by Fonda, and directed by Hopper. Fonda and Hopper played two bikers who travel through the American Southwest and South carrying the proceeds from a cocaine deal. Easy Rider explores the societal landscape, issues, and tensions in the United States during the 1960s.
Doors open at 6pm for pre-show games with 104.5 the Fox.
BS Sandwich Press will be on site serving dinner and we’re selling Knolla’s Pizza at concessions.
Need an excuse for an evening ride? We’re encouraging folks to come out on their bikes for Easy Rider! We’ll have spaces in the south-most row of the Orpheum parking lot reserved for bike parking. This reserved parking is first-come, first-served, so come early, park your bikes, and grab some dinner from B.S. Sandwich Press (outside) or Knolla’s Pizza (inside).
Price | Location/Details |
$7 | General Admission |
$6 | Students, Seniors & Military |
Price | Location/Details |
$7 $6 | General Admission |
6 p.m.
Rated R
2019 Anniversary Film Series Passes are available via Select-A-Seat, online HERE, by phone at 855.755.SEAT, and in person at the Select-A-Seat Box Office at INTRUST Bank Arena.